Capital City Amaravati




Under the MPW scheme, one Health Worker Male and one Health Worker Female are posted at each sub-central and are expected ultimately to cover a population of 5,000 (3,000 in tribal and hilly area). The Health Worker Male will visit each family once a fortnight. He should make a visit to each family once a month. MPHW (Male) will mainly focus on activities which are related to disease control programs, detection and control of epidemic outbreaks, environmental sanitation, safe drinking water, first aid in emergencies like accidents, injuries, burns etc., treatment of common/ minor illnesses, communication and counseling, life style diseases and logistics and supply management at sub-centre. In addition he will also facilitate MPHA (Female) in MCH, Family Welfare, and Nutrition related activities. Due importance should be given in assessment of MPHW (Male) training both at institutional and field level accordingly.

His duties to different National Health Programs are: 

        1. MALARIA

1.   From each family, he shall enquire about

a.   Presence of any fever cases.

b.   Whether there was any fever case in the family in between his fortnight visits.

c.   Whether any guest had come to the family and had fever.

d.   Whether any member of the family who had fever in between his fortnight visits had left the village.

2.   He shall collect thick and thin blood smears on one glass slide from cases having fever or giving history of fever and enter details in MF2 and put appropriate serial number on the slide.

3.   He shall begin presumptive treatment for Malaria after blood smear has been collected. He will follow the instructions given to him regarding administration of presumptive treatment under NVBDCP.

4.   He shall contact the village ASHA during his fortnightly visit to the village and

                     (i).  collect blood smears already taken by the village ASHA

                    (ii).  also collect details of each case in MF 2

                   (iii).  (iii)replenish both drugs and glass slides and look into the account of consumption of anti malarial drugs.

5.     He shall dispatch blood smears along with MF2 collected from the village ASHA/Multipurpose Worker Female of the Subcentre and also those collected during his visit in his area to the PHC Laboratory twice in a week, or as instructed by the Medical Officer PHC.

6.     He shall verify the presumptive treatment administered by the ASHA, if any during his visit.

7.     He shall administer radical treatment to the positive cases as per drug schedule prescribed and as per instructions issued by the Medical Officer PHC and take laid down action if toxic manifestations are observed in a patient receiving radical treatment with primaquine.

8.     He shall intimate each household in advance regarding date of spray on the basis of advance spray program given to him and explain simultaneously the benefit of insecticidal spray to the villagers.

9.     He shall contact the village ASHA and inform him of the spray dates and request him to motivate the community and prepare them for accepting the spray operations.

10. Assist the Health Supervisor Male in supervising spraying operations and training of field spraying staff.


1.   From each family he shall enquire about:

(a).   Presence of any fever cases of more than 15 days duration.

(b).   He will identify the fever cases detected by him during visits and not responding to anti malarials.

(c).   Whether any guest had come to the family and had fever KalaAzar.

(d).   Whether any member of the family/guest who had fever of more than 15 days duration and left the village.

2.   He will guide the suspected cases to the nearest diagnostic and treatment centre (Primary Health Care Centre or Community Health Centre) for diagnosis and treatment by the Medical Officer.

3.   He will keep a record of all such cases and shall verify from PHC about their diagnosis during the monthly meeting or through Health Supervisor during the visit.

4.   He will carry a list of all Kalaazar cases in his area for follow up and will ensure administration of complete treatment.

5.   He will assist during the spray activities in his area.

6.   He will conduct all health education activities through interpersonnel communication by carrying proper charts etc. and also assist Health Supervisors and other functionaries in their health education activities.


1.   From each family, he shall enquire about presence of any fever cases with encephalitic presentation.

2.   He will refer the suspended cases to the nearest diagnostic and treatment Center (Primary Health Care Centre or Community Health Center) for diagnosis and treatment by the Medical Officer.

3.   He will keep a record of all such cases and shall verify from PHC about their diagnosis during the monthly meeting or through Health Superisor (M) during his visit.

4.   He will carry a list of all JE cases in his area for follow up.

5.   He will assist during the spray activities in his area.

6.   He will conduct all health education activities particularly through inter personnel communication by carrying proper charts etc. and also assist Health Supervisor and other functionaries in their health education activities.


1.   Identify cases of diarrhoea, dysentery, fever with rash, jaundice, encephalitis, diphtheria, woofing cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis neonatal tetanus, acute eye infections and notify to the Health Supervisor and M.O PHC immediately about these cases.

2.   Carry out control measures until the arrival of the Health Supervisor Male and assist him in carrying out these measures.

3.   Give Oral Rehydration Solution to all cases of diarrhea/ dysentery/ vomiting.

4.   Educate the community about the importance of control and preventive measures against communicable disease and about the importance of talking regular and complete treatment.

5.   Identify and refer cases of Genital sore or urethral discharge or non itchy rash over the body to Medical Officer.

6.   Identify and refer all cases of blindness including suspected cases of cataract to M.O. PHC.

7.   Report the presence of stray dogs to the Health Supervisor Male and assist him in carrying out the destruction of stray dogs.

       5. LEPROSY

1.   Identify cases of skin patches, especially if accompanied by loss of sensation and take skin smears from these cases. Refer those cases to M.O. PHC for further investigation.

2.   Check whether all cases under treatment for leprosy are taking regular treatment. Motivate defaulter to take regular treatment and bring them to the notice of the Health Supervisor Male.


1.   Identify persons especially with fever for 15 days and above with prolonged cough or spitting of blood and take sputum smears from these individuals. Refer these cases to the M.O PHC for further investigations.

2.   Check whether all cases under treatment for tuberculosis are taking regular treatment. Motivate defaulters to take regular treatment and bring them to the notice of the Health Supervisor Male.

3.   Educate the community on various health education aspects of tuberculosis program.

4.   Assist the village ASHA in under taking the activities under TB program properly. Provide the list of the TB patient living in a village to the village ASHA so that he is further able to motivate the TB patient in taking regular treatment.


1.   Chlorinate public water sources including wells at regular intervals.

2.   Educate the community on

(a).   the method of disposal of liquid wastes;

(b).   The method of disposal of solid wastes;

(c).   Home sanitation;

(d).   Advantage and use of sanitary type of latrines;

(e).   Construction and use of smokeless chulhas.



1.   Administer DPT vaccine, oral poliomyelitis vaccine, measles vaccine and BCG vaccine to all infants and children in his area in collaboration with Health Worker Female.

2.   Assist the Health Worker Female in administering tetanus toxoid to all pregnant women.

3.   Assist the Health Supervisor (Male & Female) Health Worker Female in the school immunization program.

4.   Educate the people in the community about the importance of immunisation against the various communicable diseases.



1.   Educate community on home management of diarrhoea.

2.   Report any outbreak of diarrhoeal disease.

3.   Measures such as chlorination of drinking water to be carried out.

4.   Proper sanitation to be maintained.

5.   Encourage use of latrines.



1.     Utilize the information from the eligible couple and child register for the family planning program.

2.     Spread the message of family planning to the couples and motivate them for family planning individually and in groups.

3.     Distribute conventional contraceptives to the couples.

4.     Provide facilities and help to prospective acceptors of sterilization in obtaining the services, if necessary by accompanying them or arranging for the ASHA to accompany them to the PHC/ Hospital.

5.     Provide follow upservices to male family planning acceptors, identify side effects, give treatment on the spot for side effects and minor complaints and refer those cases that need attention by the physician to the PHC/Hospital.

6.     Build rapport with satisfied acceptors, village leaders, ASHA, teachers and others and utilize them for promoting Family Welfare Programs.

7.     Establish male depot holders in the area. Help the Health Supervisor Male and Female in training them all. Provide continuous supply of conventional contraceptives.

8.     Identify the male community leaders in each village of his area.

9.     Assist the Health Supervisor male in training the leaders in the community in family welfare programs.

10. Provide follow-up services for acceptors of male sterilization and also motivate males for sterilisation and spacing methods based on ANMs eligible couple register.

11. Assist the ANMs and ASHAs in distribution of conventional contraceptives to eligible couples.


1.   Identify the women requiring help for medical termination of pregnancy, refer them to the nearest approved institution, and inform the Health Worker Female.

2.   Educate the community on the availability of services for medical termination of pregnancy.                                                                        


1.   Educate the community about the availability of Maternal and Child Health Services and encourage them to utilize the facilities.


1.   Identify cases of malnutrition among infants and young children (Zero to five years) in his areas, give the necessary treatment and advice or refer them to the anganwadi for supplementary feeding and refer serious cases to the Primary Health Centre.

2.   Distribute Iron and Folic Acid as prescribed to children from zero to five years, pregnant and nursing mothers and family planning acceptors.

3.   Administer Vitamin A solution as per prescribed to children from one year to five years.

4.   Educate the Community about nutritious diet for mothers and children from locally available foods.


1.   Enquire about births and deaths occurring in his area, record them in the births and deaths register and notify them to the Birth and Death Register of the local area.

2.   Educate the Community on the importance of Registration of Births and Deaths.


1.   Provide treatment for minor ailments. Provide first aid for accidents and emergencies, and refer cases beyond his competence to the Primary Health Center or nearest Hospital


1.   Survey all the families in his area and prepare/ maintain maps and charts for the villages.

2.   Prepare, maintain utilize family and village records.

3.   With the assistance of the Health Worker Female prepare the eligible couple and child Register and maintain it up to date.

4.   Maintain a record of cases in his area who are under treatment for tuberculosis and leprosy. 5. Prepare and submit periodical reports in time to the Health Supervisor Male. 16. Any other PHC / Sub centre work may be assigned by the Medical Officer PHC for smooth running of PHC and in the interest of the health needs of the rural citizens.


1.   Visit all the schools in the assigned area and advocate personal hygiene, nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation and other public health measures.

2.   Undertake awareness generation of national health programs (Malaria, TB, Leprosy etc) for early detection of communicable and non-communicable diseases

3.   Ensure completion of immunization schedules including Inj. TT as per guidelines

4.   Assist Ophthalmic Assistant for eye screening of children for detection of visual defects.

5.   Identify cases of malnutrition in school children and refer cases to PHC Medical Officer. Guide teachers and parents on nutrition and anemia. Educate the community about nutritious diet for mothers and children from locally available foods.




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